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  • 职称:讲师
  • 通讯地址:武汉市洪山区南李路28号
  • 邮编:430068
  • E-mail:2020098@hbut.edu.cn
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    2010.9-2014.7 沈阳化工大学,材料科学与工程学院,高分子材料与工程系,获工学学士学位
    2014.9-2020.2 美国马萨诸塞大学洛威尔分校,塑料工程系,获博士学位,导师:Prof. Margaret J. SobkowiczKline
    2020.10至今 湖北工业大学,必定赢bdy500,材料科学与工程系,讲师
    2、省级一流课程《聚合物成型工艺及设备》 ;湖北省教育厅;2022
    3、指导本科生荣获“校级优秀学士学位论文”; 2022
    4、Raymond Normandin Materials Excellence Award(雷蒙德诺曼丁优秀材料研究工程师奖);2019
    5、“SPE Bioplastics & Renewable Technologies” Excellent Presenter(美国塑料协会生物塑料及再生技术分会优秀报告人);2018
    1、 中国化学会会员、美国化学会会员、美国塑料工程师协会会员
    2、European Polymer Journal、Polymer Degradation and stability、Polymers等期刊审稿专家
    2、省级重点实验室开放基金项目;降解聚酯结构设计与阻气阻湿研究;2021-7 至 2023-7;1万元;结题;主持
    3、纵向项目;高阻隔可生物降解聚酯设计与表征分析;2021-1 至 2022-12;7万元;结题
    论文: 1、Siwen Bi; Zhuang Zhang; Zhenzhen Yang; Zitong Shen; Jiahui Cai; Jintao Hu; Haoxiang Jin; Tianhao Qiu; Peng Yu; Bin Tan ; “Protein modified cellulose nanocrystals on reinforcement and self-driven biodegradation of aliphatic polyester” Carbohydrate Polymers, 322(2023):121312.(一区Top)
    2、Siwen Bi, Hao Pan, Vincenzo Barinelli, Breanne Eriksen, Shania Ruiz, Margaret J. Sobkowicz, “Biodegradable polyester coated mulch paper for controlled release of fertilizer” Journal of Cleaner Production, 294(2021), 126348.(一区Top)
    3、Siwen Bi, Vincenzo Barinelli, and Margaret J. Sobkowicz.. "Degradable Controlled Release Fertilizer Composite Prepared via Extrusion: Fabrication, Characterization, and Release Mechanisms" Polymers, 12(2020), 301.(高分子科学二区)
    4、Siwen Bi, Bin Tan, James L Soule, Margaret J Sobkowicz,"Enzymatic degradation of poly (butylene succinate-co-hexamethylene succinate)." Polymer Degradation and Stability 155 (2018): 9-14.(高分子科学一区)
    5、Pei Xiang, Liangcheng Gou, Yuan Zou, Binyi Chen, Siwen Bi, Xuhuang Chen, Peng Yu, A facile strategy for preparation of strong tough poly(lactic acid) foam with a unique microfibrillated bimodal micro/nano cellular structure. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 199(2022) :264-274.(一区Top)
    6、Bin Tan, Siwen Bi, Kyla Emery, Margaret J Sobkowicz, "Bio-based poly (BS-co-HS) copolyesters with tunable thermal and mechanical properties." European Polymer Journal 86 (2017): 162-172. (高分子科学二区)
    7、Siwen Bi, et al. "Ultrasonic temperature measurements with fiber optic system." Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2016. Vol. 9803. (EI论文)
    8、Siwen Bi, et al. "All-optically driven system in ultrasonic wave-based structural health monitoring." Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2016. Vol. 9803. (EI论文)
    9、Siwen Bi, et al. "Ultrasonic transmission from fiber optic generators on steel plate. "Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, and Civil Infrastructure 2016. Vol. 9804. (EI论文)
    2、杨珍珍,毕斯雯*;“Solvation Effect of LiFTSi on Ionic Conductivity of Polyester Solid Electrolyte”;第八届全国固态电池研讨会,湖北武汉,2023-4 (“优秀墙报奖”)
    3、 毕斯雯;可降解助剂设计与应用;第七届国际生物基产业论坛-青年科学家论坛,浙江宁波,2022-8-9至2022-8-11
    4、Siwen Bi; Margaret J. Sobkowicz; Bio-based and Biodegradable Polyesters for Agricultural Applications, Polymer Processing Society Americas Regional Conference, Boston, MA, 2018-11- 5~2018-11-8
    5、Siwen Bi; Margaret J. Sobkowicz; Tunable Permeation of Bio-based and Biodegradable Polyesters for Agricultural Applications, 256th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, 2018-8-19~2018-8-23
    6、Siwen Bi; Joshua F. Nutter; Margaret J. Sobkowicz; Tunable Degradation of Poly (butylene succinate) by Copolymerization and Catalysts, 76th Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference, Orlando, FL, 2018-5-5~2018-5-9
    7、Siwen Bi; Bin Tan; Margaret J. Sobkowicz; Tunable Enzymatic Degradation of Eco-friendly PBS-based Copolyesters, 75th Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference, Anaheim, California, 2017-5-6~2017-5-11
    1、毕斯雯,谌梓童,张壮,金浩翔,邱添豪,一种新型生物降解促进剂制备及应用,2022.11.25, 中国专利,申请号:202211489263.4.(已授权)